“Storytelling is
the most
powerful way
to put ideas
into the world
Robert McAfee Brown
Dummy or Storyboard Critique
Service Description
For the storyteller who writes and illustrates – this service is for you! The illustrations of a picture book – be it a board book or a nonfiction narrative – require just as much editorial love and attention as the manuscript does. My review of your dummy or storyboard will assess both your words and pictures as equal partners in the storytelling, and offer you feedback regarding how they can better work together to make your story as seamless and powerful as it can be. Whether you are creating illustrations for babies or tweens, my years of experience with illustrated formats for all ages can help ensure that your art is engaging and appropriate for your target audience. With this service, I will offer you a detailed and critical editorial review of your manuscript draft – whether it’s your first draft or your fiftieth. I’ll read your manuscript draft through an editorial lens, reviewing for character development, tone, prose, and plot structure. I will mark up your manuscript with specific notes, comments, and editorial suggestions and share the marked-up critique with you via email. This will be followed up with a video call to walk through the feedback together and discuss questions you have. What this service includes: ● Critique of text and art with mark-up of questions, comments, and suggestions ● 25-Minute video call to review feedback together ● Follow-up check-in via email
Contact Details
New Jersey, USA